The 21st SVU World Congress

Ambassador Huber's remarks
at the opening of the World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences
at Plzen University

Monday, June 24, 2002

    As Canadian Ambassador to both the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, I am particularly pleased to be here today & have the opportunity to meet with so many brilliant personalities dedicated to heightening profiles of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the world and promoting mutual co-operation.
    It is also quite positive for me that this event take place in Plzen, a city I have visited several times and one I like, not only for its beer. The Terry Fox Run in your city was one of my first activities as recently arrived ambassador in September 2000. I believe that for diplomats -- who tend to remain in the capital city -- it is very important to get out into the regions and explore life in the "real" Czech Republic.
As a Canadian, with a country the size of a continent, we are particularly sensitive to the importance of regional differences and disparities, and I strongly believe it is part of my duty to visit the region of this beautiful country.

    The Canadian Government is strongly supportive of a smooth transition for countries in Central Europe. There are millions of Canadians who claim origins in this part of the world and that is why we want to accompany countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia in their successful efforts towards well established transparent democracies. And we put our money where our mouth is. Many programmes of technical cooperation and reinforcement of human security support worthy activities in the region.
    These Canadians, from coast to coast, have contributed to the richness and the prosperity of Canadian Society. It is only fair that we now be present in the region to offer exchanges of views, experience and technology.
    It is also a rather selfish objective. As the region prospers, our economy, so dependant on the expansion of export markets, only benefits from further commercial and investment exchanges.
    I am particularly pleased that His Excellency, Mr. Ladislav Ballek, ambassador of Slovakia, could join us today. Canada and Slovakia enjoy a very intense relationship and I believe that this year will be a major turning point in the history of his country, both as it positions itself in the region, in Europe and in the world. Canada wants to stand by closely and assist as much as it can.
    I am also pleased to meet once more an old friend in the person of Ambassador Palous. Canada and the Czech Republic have for many years now collaborated in the promotion of ideals and programmes in the field of what we call Human Security. This involves of course, the fight against landmines, children's involvement in armed conflicts and the trafficking of small arms. I take this opportunity to salute the Czech Government's support to an important NATO funded project to fight that calamity in Albania. The Czech Republic was the first country in the region to offer financial support for this Canadian initiative and many EU countries are now following suit. I would like to express here publicly Canada's sincere thanks to your country for this invaluable support to international Human Security.
    The United States, Canada , Mexico and Europe are now fully engaged in the global economy. This not only creates additional links, but it makes them absolutely mandatory . These links are not only built on intergovernmental exchanges but also on person to person contacts. NGOs such as yours play in this regard a very important role ;

    This global village, as Canadian Marshall McLuan labelled it decades ago, is an invaluable opportunity to further strengthen democracy and freedom, values which should never be taken for granted. In this regard, North American and Europe play a key role and our individual countries all have a role to play, no matter their size or power.

    Extensive contacts with Europe will ensure that Canada remains a strong and dynamic mosaic. We Canadians have a unique asset in our multicultural society. We are building a society that takes the best in the countries where we come from. Europe, and this part of Europe in particular, has always played an important role in this regard. That is why I believe we should all continue to encourage exchanges and contacts, at all levels.
    The scope of themes of your congress is truly impressive. I wish you a successful and enriching congress.
