April 2017: Annual Membership Dinner

The Cleveland chapter held its annual membership dinner meeting in April with 22 in attendance. Report on past year’s activities, including participation as a “community partner” in the Cleveland International Film Festival, recent financial support of The Lucina Dance Ensemble and The Eastern European Congress of Ohio, activities which took place already in 2017 was presented by President Paul Burik. Also, upcoming events were announced.

After the meeting, following the NY Chapter example several 6 minute presentations were made: Barb Golias – Mucha’s Slovanic Epic; the first frame, Georgia Maresh – Community Theater: what it takes, Ted Krejsa – book review: Bliss Was It in Bohemia, Carolyn Huber – Brief overview of Czech engravers, and Paul Burik – Czechia; birthplace of the nuclear age – clue: Jachymov. This was enjoyed by all and we will likely repeat this format in the fall.

Carolyn Huber gives a presentation on early Czech engravers and their impact on postage stamps.