Solving World’s Problems: A talk by H.E. Edita Hrda


Due to unforeseen circumstances the event has to be postponed to a later date. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
The Board

Wednesday, October 7 at 6:30pm
Bohemian National Hall, 3rd Floor
New York City

Come and learn first-hand from H.E. Edita Hrdá about her work, challenges and accomplishments in the last 4 years during her demanding post as the Czech ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN.

Please RSVP:

EH Flyer

Forget or Forgive: A talk by Dr. Ondrej Krajnak

Wed, Sept 16, 2015 at 6:30pm
Bohemian National Hall in NY


ONDREJ KRAJŇÁK is a documentary filmmaker. He received his PhD in journalism from the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin. Since 2004, he is the head of the History Department at Nation’s Memory Institute (Ústav Pamäti národa) in Bratislava where he has created an audio visual archive. During the communist era, Dr. Krajňák participated in the underground church movement. He is a member of the Slovak Confederation of Political Prisoners and of the Steering Committee of European Network Remembrance and Solidarity.

The evening included a screening of a Slovak documentary film “Ako som mal začiat tretiu svetovu vojnu” (Accused of Planning WW III) by Juraj Brocko. Based on  a true story of a political prisoner Karol Noskovic, one of thousands innocent victims of red terror in the 1950s, the film offers a dramatic testimony of paranoid communist system and portraits an example of brutal, neo-Stalinist persecution in Slovakia.

Dr. Krajňák also awarded a special merit medal to our board member Gabriel Levický for his participation in the political dissent movement during the Communism in Slovakia.

ÚPN udeľuje Gabrielovi Levickému ďakovný list a pamätnú medailu “Za osobnú účasÅ¥ v boji proti komunistickému režimu a svedectvo života pre zachovanie živej pamäte”.
… a dekrét o priznaní postavenia účastníka protikomunistického postoja.
Podľa §11 odst.3 zákona č. 219/2006 Z.z. o protikomunistickom odboji v znení zákona č. 58/2009 Z.z

For Dr. Krajňák’s Power Point presentation in English please click here:

Photos at SVU NY Facebook Page

OK flyer

Short Long Journey-Documentary Fim

WED, JUNE 10 at 7pm
Bohemian National Hall , 3rd fl.
321 E 73 Str, Manhattan NYC

Moderated by Gabriel Levicky
Photo Miro Svolík


Suggested donation $5.00

The Short Long Journey|Kratka dlouha cesta, (2009) is a powerful documentary capturing the journey of Fedor Gal, a respected Czech sociologist, as he follows his father’s fate after his transport from the Terezin ghetto. Born in March of 1945 in Terezin, Gal never met his father because by then, he was moved to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen. His father was shot dead during a death march in the same year Gal was born, two months before the end of the WWII. Gal reflects on the horrific past, life, death and humanity bringing a parallel to societal malaise that still survives in the present.

82min. With English subtitles.
Directed by Martin Hanzlicek
Music by Marian Varga

Short Long Journey

6 MINUTES I, April 28 at 7pm

Czech and Slovak Academic Show&Tell
In Cooperation with CUCEE Club at Columbia University
Bohemian National Hall, 321 E 73 St, New York City

The young and bright Czech and Slovak women and men, students, interns and Fulbright scholars studying or working at universities and institutions in the New York City area were challenged to present the subject of their studies, in any field, in a short presentation limited to six minutes each.
The event was a great success! Thanks to all!

6 MINUTES I program notes

PHOTOS from the event are on our Face Book Page.
6 MINUTES flyer